Dating Options

Dating Options With Corona, Mass Hysteria And Social Platforms

Dating and searching for love with the threat of coronavirus hanging over us and how to stay sane, keep calm and carry on, is the topic today!! Unprecedented mass hysteria and social media are driving people out of their minds and emptying their pockets while they stockpile food and toilet paper for the End of Times. Really? It is serious but life goes on and dating is easy when we know-how. In fact, take this time to get SMART at it!  Your matchmaker and date coach guards and guides!

Check out the CNN article

Plagues and pandemics are not unknown to the human race, and as people move around more than ever, we all need to remain realistic and take it seriously. Spanish ‘flu in (January 1918  – December 1920) was possibly the worst pandemic that took 100 million lives, origins unsure.

Ordinary people are shocked and gobsmacked, some are taking precautions and keeping their heads, while many are being provoked into mass hysteria and seeing monsters under their beds and going ballistic!  This has had a huge negative impact on dating, as over tens of millions of singles are finding their online platforms difficult to navigate with the fear lurking on how then to meet a stranger, someone you know nothing about, and risking infection.

Covid19 and your Matchmaker can be your gate-keeper and guide to sensible, safe dating

Shannon, owner of two respectable and successful matchmaking and dating agencies has sound advice:  if you are feeling vulnerable (you are in fact always vulnerable – TB, HIV, and everyday flu, etc – even with no pandemic or immediate threat to health and safety anyway) then using a reliable source for singles’ introductions ensures at least a level of supervision on reckless dating/relating/mating and begins to sound like common sense.

Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, quipped on 12th March “It is dangerous to stop living life” and there is no reason Singles need to stop dating, if they are careful, plan creatively and take precautions!  Dating is a way of life and love will happen in the right environment, always, anyway.

Rules of engagement, are pivotal, and there are many ways to still find a new love interest by being smart and careful.  Mass hysteria has seen people rushing to crowded shopping centers to buy tons of toilet paper and stocking up on essentials, more worried about wiping their butts than how reckless it is to even be in a crowded shop!!  Bring the sanity back to dating too, please!!!

Positive ways to date as singles have more time to plan the next date

So you have stocked up on toilet paper, faced the Wrath of God and chased the monsters under your bed – what next?

So how does it work: dating and isolating at the same time? We have the technology, use it!  Singles embarking on a quest to find a prospective love interest can still date/relate by being inventive.  And the mating part is never going to stop for couples already sharing intimate space, and like all close couples, will need to guard against risks. Use your communication skills and devices like never before and reach out  – more chatting, more video calls, and sharing live videos, as the article in the CNN link states, like a couple sharing a cooking experience by watching and sharing on their device screens, even if miles apart.

Start a dating plan now – Isolating and not dating is a myth – Be ready for your next date.

YOU ARE GOING TO DATE SOON! Life will return to normal, and maybe the world has changed, but there are many positives to be seen in the re-awakening!  Heed the professionals, take precautions and remain positive as we are an adaptable species.  For now, change your dating patterns and engagement with others, share compassion and remember, you are not alone out there!!!  Other Singles, your matchmakers and coaches, are also a strong support system. Singles still want to meet, more than ever!

Avoid ill-informed hysteria on ungoverned social media platforms, get the facts from professionals. Forced to work from home?  Sent home and nothing to do?  This is a golden opportunity to self-reflect, rethink, re-plan and regroup and think out the box. Can’t attend meetings? Promote to customers or share product knowledge?

This is the time to have meetings online, workshops or product launches, by using technology. Suddenly you find new technology skills that may save a fortune in costs and time down the line

HAVING MORE TIME on your hands can be positive!! It need not be a disaster in terms of putting food on the table and keeping a roof over your head. Do all those things you never have time for, reach out to loved ones, friends and families – and even find a heartthrob or new flame to chat with and inspire!! Study, learn something new, try new technology (shop online!) or read a book, these are things we can still do to self-develop and enrich our lives and even find new survival avenues.

Technology is a definite value add when engaging with your matchmaker.

Those Singles who feel so “alone and doomed to stay single”  can find many quality new friends and start opening doors, from a good electronic device, behind locked doors and in the safety of your study or lounge.  Was your dating experience that good anyway when you were running around? Maybe it is time to start  “dating by design and not default” and the FIRST cardinal step means you still need to say “Hi, pleased to meet you!” and get a workable plan together.

Shannon, a qualified date coach, and matchmaker can be reached at  info@perfectpartners.org.za and Veronica our date and relationship expert, can be reached at veronica@succeedatlove.com. We deal with Singles daily who are feeling isolated anyway, every day, even when in a crowded room! People who have found dating a nightmare need a plan, and we are standing by if you need to talk…..with a great plan to suit you!!

New members are still joining us daily, they now have time for themselves and are smart and savvy Singles who are grabbing this chance to empower their own dating plans and skills IN ADVANCE!!

Our expert date coaches and matchmakers have many great ideas to share on beating these “dating in isolation blues”,  and we would love to hear from you!  A plan shared spells success ….our awesome community (yes we are a community) of eligible Singles are dying to meet YOU, even if it is a phone call!

A caring agency like ours does not ever start a new contract term until our e-club members are actually ready to date, so “time out” is always credited.  Is that a good plan to get started now or what!?!  Be more prepared and ready to find new love, and be even savvier at beating the dating madness, by smarting up now!  We will defeat those monsters under the bed together!

Sending love and light to guard you and guide you, and love and life will still thrive!!

