Date Coaching
Why then is it so difficult to find? Is it us? The opposite sex or modern trends? It should be easier than this……..!!!!
Welcome to all our awesome newbies, we have been particularly busy bringing you on board in November. Thanks for the most fantastic interactions, doing your “homework” and reading our lengthy mails (please open a folder and save, it might seem corny but you may be surprised to find it comes in handy – it is the little things that can be a deal breaker!). We love your photos and your profiles are in the pipeline for next week, ready with your “story line” you approved, so your new dating adventure can begin! Here are some valuable insights you may appreciate! J
Love and belonging
“A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong! When those needs are not met, we don’t function as we were meant to. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We get sick”. ~ Brene Brown
What do we do? We bury ourselves in “busy, busy, busy”, lean on our friends and family (maybe too much?) or we hide away, or seek quick fixes, or we panic and even the smallest first move to making a new friend (through us, hopefully) has you breaking out in hives and ducking under the bed!
We want to assure you that the fear and panic is about “how do I deal with love all of a sudden?” …how do I date even? you are rusty, not over an ex or simply not confident or happy with YOU!!
The best way to start is to FORGET it is about finding love!! Our date coaching is invaluable here! Your first rendezvous is merely a meet-up to see if you click. You are a naturally sociable animal! But rest assured, the person you are meeting is an eligible single and also just as keen on finding soul mate love – so you steer the rendezvous to a romantic zone, not turn it into a “show and tell” or “job interview”! FLIRT!!
It is all about finding your connectedness again, making select and valuable friends (with like-minded same-goal others) and just be SOCIABLE! God and nature takes care of it all! When you vibrate with someone and there are sparks, it all comes naturally!
New Relationships
Still, trust, faith and shared values have to build in new relationships – you need to bond and adapt to each other, be prepared to tolerate, understand and share, and grow together, warts and all! Nobody is perfect! (yes, you will see each other’s naked butts one day, and neither of you will care if it is big or bony! LOL!).
If you were traumatised before, see it as a lesson to be learnt and do not repeat the same mistakes, by also avoiding the SAME type of people! Everyone has to develop deep profiling skills, intuition and logic, if possible, when it comes to love!
Happy dating to all those hopeful singles seeking out there, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Love and light,
Shannon, your personal matchmaker