Shannon, expert relationship coach and renowned matchmaker always advises her new clients to meet as many new, well selected (or course) and interesting prospects (not yet a date if you are showing early interest in a lovely lady or eligible bachelor) as you can – and it can be called “roster dating” – until you actually sift the non-starters, just casual friends or associates, from those that have a really positive chemistry with you.
Sanity Should Rule When Choosing a Love Match
Humans tend to have very strong imaginations (even the less creative, LOL!) and “imagine themselves” into a love match before they even actually KNOW someone!! Traumatic breakups are usually the result of wishful thinking and hoping someone is The One, when in fact, they have little in common except lust and passion – confusing being “turned on” to actually appreciating someone for their true personalities, character and compatible goals and dreams.
Even a New Lover Should Be a Best Friend
The dating/relating/mating game is called a game for a reason!!! KNOW YOUR GAME!!
The courtship stage is about flirting, assessing reactions, deep feelings, and a desire to be with someone for a good reason – it is a wonderfully exciting time of push/pull to the rhythms of emotions (like the passionate dance the Tango!!) and the chemistry is often overwhelming – hence clouding one’s perspective!! Shannon cautions: this is exactly what dating con artists and scammers depend on, the powerful fantasies of the weakened human who is like a starving person emerging from a barren desert of yearning!!
Your dating agency sifts, filters and verifiers YOUR compatible prospects (not like a marriage broker or arranged marriage!) exactly so you can EXPLORE your new singles’ landscape and make sound choices!! Your agency also knows the other party and can guide everyone with very sensitive advice!!
Polyamory Is Not the Same as Multiple Dating
Indeed, modern trends promoting polyamory, swinging, or event dating is NOT the same as having a few chosen new friends that can be a future, lasting and faithful monogamous “forever after” and many people remain good friends without sexual dramas and fall out when emotions are controlled.
Please read the article link below of a global dating expert, evaluate your own strategies and reasons why you are seeking a new start to find new love – or talk to our experts before you waste any energy or life force!!
Your personal matchmaker is invaluable in helping understand the rules of the dating game, the best ways to encourage when it looks good, or exit when it is not.
Please submit your Personal Profile and we will call and book a chat to discuss how we can improve your dating experience, apart from also meeting prospects that are genuine and RIGHT FOR YOU!!