Shannon Davidoff, our expert relationship and date coach continually researches the world of dating, human relationships and singles dynamics, and receives truly insightful inputs from other gurus in the field, one being a semi-retired Clinical Psychologist, Andre van Vuuren, a close friend and mentor!
We proudly share a recent e-book written by Andre with our readers here, and please see our other posts on social media, especially on the 80/20 principle.
The Imperfection of Perfect Relationships
Love is never perfect!! People can never be perfect!! In fact, many people who strive TOO HARD to be perfect actually self-sabotage by overthinking and obsessing about their imperfections rather than accepting that the state of love, intimacy and connectedness between a loving couple is the “incredible lightness of Being” – just being 100% content and confident that they are always working positively on their personal connections – with no room for nitpicking, fault-finding and blaming themselves or the other!!
When we achieve an 80%score on happiness in a relationship, we can always work on the other 20% that needs positive applications, usually by negotiating needs and trusting each other to have the same ultimate goal – to make each other HAPPY!! What can be more simple than that!!!
Self-Love Is a Good Start
Just be the best we can be!! Love is a God-given gift and the greatest mystery known to mankind, and is that feeling that makes the heart race, chemistry soar, the drug-high of ecstasy and passion that is inexplicable!! And all humans crave it!! We are all loving, loveable and perfect to those who love us, and we must never forget to love ourselves too. When we are blinded by the need to be Achievers, or feel inadequate, we can find ways to correct this – get help!!
Your personal matchmaker is invaluable in helping understand the rules of the dating game, the best ways to encourage when it looks good, or exit when it is not.
Please submit your Personal Profile and we will call and book a chat to discuss how we can improve your dating experience, apart from also meeting prospects that are genuine and RIGHT FOR YOU!!