dating game

Mental Health and Dating Games

Mental Health – When Dating Goes Bad

Okay no fine!!! So “dating” is seen generally as a frivolous and mostly fun parade of horny thrill seekers and egoists!!

NO!!!! Shannon, an expert date and relationship coach says that when she counsels, interviews or debates the syndrome of “being alone and single” with Singles who seriously want to be loved, loveable and loving in a partnership they can trust, the common denominator is the sadness of feeling “unloved” or overlooked!! It can be devastating as humans are herd animals and we need lose human contact that is healthy for our existence.

Dating Fear and Anxiety – Am I Good Enough??

When digging beneath the surface of faked confidence and a veneer of being perfectly ready and intentional to partner up, there lurks deep seated anxiety and insecurities with most people fearing they “are not good enough” says Shannon. Some even believe that paying a service fee to a personal matchmaker means that a partner will be delivered as per their laundry list or specs – take me as I am or leave it!!! That opens the doors to scammers who play on the vulnerabilities of Singles.

The reality of still needing to ATTRACT a likely love connection is sidestepped as a form of avoidance disorder. “It is not me, it is them – they are wrong, they are manipulators/narcissists/users…” so reality of what they need to do to ensure their own mental, emotional and even physical health by stepping up and showing up for themselves firstly, is lost and is a subject they hate discussing. Remember love and life is a mirror reflection!!  Ego takes over if people actually think they are perfect??

Attract What You Deserve When Dating

Working towards Mental Health also means acceptance of one’s limitations and setting goals and even dreams that are possible within their own paradigm. “Loving one’s self” is a truism, because we then accept our imperfections, are able to accept those of a new love interest (within reason) and settle for a perfectly-imperfect happy state of Being together because real love does not judge.

…….and much more!! Talk to Shannon today and find the secrets that work for lasting happiness!!

Please submit your Personal Profile and we will contact you for an orientation discussion on how to up your game today!!

