They Raised my Dating Experience

Beautiful and Heartfelt Words

Dearest Shannon …

Thank u so much for such beautiful and heartfelt words …….you guys are always there for me when I need you (although not needy or invasive) and I have learnt to be choosy and value and CARE about ME! Even when I needed to change things, I saw the truth, and as you say, “truth sets you free” so I have learnt to banish old blueprints…..and self-limiting doubts. And I am LOVING the new me! [expander_maker id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”]

Thank u for such encouraging words about moving forward … cause u know well I’m very hard on myself … but I have learnt to open myself to change, which has been exactly what was needed. I could not have better guides than you guys, as it is “real time” and not learnt on dating courses or read in books, it is MY experience and on the spot, you are not only expert matchmakers, you really now the single dynamic and are very wise.

I really would like to refresh my profile – I have learnt much and know more of who I am ….. and new dating tips very welcome!
Please invoice me … and I would be very grateful for a ‘ coaching session ‘ …

Shannon…. thank u!! I can so easily slip into ‘ what’s wrong with me ‘ but I think I’m beginning to learn and more importantly believe that I’m ok … and I think this is largely due to you and your team and all the advice you give both personally and weekly ……..and your newsletters always hit a cord just when I need it, even if I look back in hindsight.

My hopes and dreams is to one day find that forever person ……

Goodnight and love and light back x


Response from Shannon

Ahhhh my angel (and you are an angel!) that is so kind and so appreciated …….and we will NEVER let you go near thinking “what is wrong with me” …..you are merely human……..do not believe for a moment I and Inge, and even Alma (luckily still much younger) have not had to learn our lessons!!  EXACTLY why we want, with all our hearts, to help our sistahood, our lovely ladies, to get this right! There is no gain without pain ….and the first step to healing is realising we must accept our mistakes, own them, and learn from them ……so many times we have said it is insanity to keep doing the same things and getting the same results, LOL!

There are those that do not get it that we care deeply (how can we not care?) and may think us condescending or patronising, and it is clear to us they have never known any real kindness in their lives and do not know it when they see it, which boils down to “victim mentality” as they are on guard always expecting to be shredded or bullied, it is terribly sad!  Kindness also has to come with truth, and humour is vital, so we thank YOU for boosting our confidence in our effort to make a difference – no wonder you have had a really strong “fan club” out there with our awesome guys, we are proud of you!  Now to find The One, and off we go…..your new term has started!

We look forward to welcoming you back again, although you never left ….but renewed energy and a fresh start, and indeed, you and I having a heart-to-heart ….because I have visions for you!! I am excited to share! have attached the invoice as requested …..and standing by!

Always with big hugs, and so much love and light ……


Fond Regards



