my dating agency gave me courage to date

My Dating Agency gave me courage to date

Thanks so much for your wisdom and encouragement, Shannon.  It is very true that I was hanging back due to fear of the unknown and maybe overthinking all the “what ifs” and “maybes”.  It is so true that dating from a safe and comfortable platform allows us to really explore what is out there and discover a new world where dating is genuine and the people we meet are authentic. I have only met wonderful guys through you, even if I have run for the hills too soon. As you say, if we do not risk buying the ticket, we cannot win the lotto – and even more so, we need to be vulnerable even if we get hurt because otherwise, how do we measure the difference between agony and ecstasy? We do get hurt but it is how we deal with it that matters and letting go is key. Your constant inputs, guidance and insights on the dating game are priceless! I never thought of it from that perspective. Your words really resonate.

So what if a date didn’t work out? Maybe in hindsight I had a reprieve, and it was just not meant to be for a reason – I deserve better!! Let’s rock those dates again!!

And I do feel that MatchVIP is a comforting and safe space, like a homeplace where restless spirits come to “pause and reset” so that we can do the self-work and then have the balls to conquer the (inner) world, as us women do😊

Have a lovely day🌷



